I started this blog because of some friends that I've been talking to about coming with us to Sioux Falls to plant a church. Most of the time people laugh when we ask them if they want to come with us to Sioux Falls, SD to plant a church. We live in Texas, so the response we usually get is, "Doesn't it get really cold up there?" Of course my answer is either, "Why, yes...yes, it does," or, "Well, with all the global warming, it's bound to be like living here in Texas soon." Sometimes I'll chuckle along with them, as if it was a joke that we would even ask them such a preposterous question about coming with us to such a foreign land.
It's not.
But we have at least one couple that is seriously considering, so I started this blog with them in mind. They at least asked the question..."What's the vision?" That's a great question! It's also a hard question to answer. I have somewhat of a vision written up (which I'll share in future posts), but sometimes I wonder if I'll have to scrap it on day one to make room for reality! At the same time, I know that vision is the driving force for reality. If we don't have an idea of where we're going and what it might look like when we get there, we'll never get anywhere!
So...with that in mind...I will begin working out the vision in blog form. I welcome you to add your thoughts to help make the vision unfold and take shape. I'm not an island, so I trust and depend on my fellow brothers and sisters to hear God's voice, too, and offer what they think He might be saying.
So, what are your thoughts on vision? Is it important? Will a specific, written vision make a difference in church planting, or will it immediately get replaced with the reality of the situation?
Hey Kevin
ReplyDeletethe blog idea is great. I am actually at that place in our church here in Lindsay Ontario. (And yes it get s cold up here too) Anyways since arriving at this little town NorthEast of Toronto we have been working on a defined vision/mission as well. It is alot easier said than done but a vision is crucial.
Read Habakkuk 2:2,3 It helps with seeing the value of a vision of/from God.
ReplyDeleteProverbs 29:18 says that "Without vision the people will perish..." Vision is the catalyst for change. Without vision we tend to, (I'm speaking for myself here) walk around aimlessly. Vision gives direction and focus, it helps us make decisions at crossroads and is therefore critical in our lives as we follow Christ.
As for your second question... Whatever vision God gives, He gives for a specific reason. That being said, no matter what the circumstance is I think that the vision God casts should be followed to the best of our ability as long as it's Biblical. I heard a quote once at a youth event, the speaker said, "We ask for for plans and direction (from God) and at one sight of conflict we abandon ship" Some of this mentality may be caused by the world we live in, but I truly believe that vision cast by God should always be our center focus, a rally point. The reality of the situation is of lesser concern to me because we are held accountable to the vision that God has already given. We may at times have to change our focus one way or another depending on how God is moving, but I think we should always return to the rally point, our original vision... it helps us stay on track.
(Thanks Kevin, this helped me a lot.)
Hey Kevin - I read this when you first posted it... was checking back to see if you had written anything new. But seeing this post again made me think of something to share... Have you read Andy Stanley's book, "Visioneering"? It is a fantastic read about the process that vision takes to develop and implement. A must read, if you haven't done so. I am going to be re-reading it again later this summer in prep on doing some messages this fall out of Nehemiah.
ReplyDeleteHope all is well with you. Blessings!
Thanks for posting everyone. I love the feedback!
ReplyDeleteBrian--I will definitely check out that book. Andy Stanley is a regular on the Catalyst podcast, which is my favorite podcast. He has some good stuff!
Christy--Great quote from the youth conference guy. If the vision is from God, it will come to fruition if we are faithful to it (even if the fulfillment of the vision doesn't look EXACTLY the way we expected it to!).