The principle is this:
Direction--not intention--determines your destination.
It seems like there are so many people who look back on their lives and think, "How in the world did I end up here??!" Failed relationships, loads of debt, poor health, moral crisis. The fact is that, despite their best intentions, they traveled down the wrong road, and kept going!
OK, to make it personal, I've wanted to be healthier for a while (lose some weight, gain muscle, and develop good eating habits). But the truth is, I find myself going over to McD's lately for mochas. That's the road I am choosing to travel, but it's not getting me to my destination. On the other hand, I've seen lately how the renewed vision and ever-increasing reality of our move has helped me to be more purposeful about taking steps to prepare for the church plant. I am listening to podcasts, reading books, learning from other leaders, blogging :) and getting our house out on the market. Instead of just great intentions, Shanygne and I are moving down the path that will get is to our destination.
There are so many applications to this principle that I feel a sermon series coming on!! :)
What roads are you taking to get to a destination? What roads are you taking that are not getting you to your destination?
Picture from www.sxc.hu, submitted by K_Alex.
Wow...that's great Kevin. It's so easy to have intentions but never really follow through on them. I'm excited about the Vineyard plant...but also scared that I'm not committed enough...I have good intentions, but will I be able to follow through? Keep them coming...I like the inspiration!