Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Getting Our Ducks in a Row

No deep thoughts right now. Just an update. The biggest news? The house is up for sale! We had our first showing yesterday (they only stayed for 5 minutes, so probably not going to be a bite), and we have our second one tonight. Please pray that all goes well and in God's timing!

Last night we touched base with Marty. Marty is the Church Planting Coordinator for our region. Every day we are trying to take another step forward, so Marty is helping us to do that and making sure we have all our ducks in a row.

That's about it, so I'll leave you with some prayer requests. There are two areas where we really need to see God move:

1. Selling our house
2. Building a team

We appreciate the prayers!

What is a next action you need to take right now to move you closer to a goal?


  1. We're praying for you! Thanks for the updates! We're excited to see what God is doing in and through your family!

  2. I am also continuing in prayer for you, the plant, what God wants us to do and for his timing (but God please make it quick cuz we want them here now!) LOL
